Thursday, October 19, 2006


Rape Allegations Against Duke Lacrosse Players

It's been awhile since we've blogged about the rape case brought against three Duke lacrosse players in March, so I tried to collect a few news links for some quick updates. The case has been moving slowly, complicated by (among other things) accusations against the district attorney, Mike Nifong, that he has not fully disclosed his evidence and the incohesive statements given by Kim Roberts, the woman who worked the athletes' party alongside the accuser. DNA tests have been inconclusive.
From USAToday: Duke lacrosse players thought DNA tests would end rape case Duke rape case D.A. faces big questions

A quote from David Evans, 23 (one of the three men indicted on the rape charges), that appeared in several recent news articles:
"I was naive, I was young, I was sheltered," Evans said. "And I made a terrible judgment. In five months I've learned more than I did in 22 years about life."
Makes you wonder what he was learning in the first 22 years of his life.

A few editorial comments:
Michael Lewis: The Duke 'Rape' Case in Black and White
Page Rockwell: Accused Duke players go on "60 Minutes"



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